Egis Russia Wins Prestigious Award for CSR Campaign
Mon, Jun 10, 2019 1:41 PM
Egis Russia’s Buy for Good campaign that was carried out in 2018 won the award of ‘Best Social Projects in Russia’ in the category of medical and social projects.
Egis Russia Wins Prestigious Award for CSR Campaign
Mon, Jun 10, 2019 1:41 PM
Egis Russia’s Buy for Good campaign that was carried out in 2018 won the award of ‘Best Social Projects in Russia’ in the category of medical and social projects.
The campaign had two different aspects: one of the key activities was a donation of 5 rubles from each sold pack of three famous brands to the Katren Foundation. Besides this, a series of educational lectures was also initiated by Egis Russia: the lectures, held in orphanages, dealt with the critical topic of “Intimate hygiene and self-care for teenage girls”.
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